Monday, 13 January 2014

I've got some bad news....

And I've got some good news

In the WWE we have a huge roster. Its massive in all honesty. There is a huge selection of superstars and divas and of course there is a huge demand for a great product. SO WHY OH WHY DO WE GET THE SAME TALENT OVER AND OVER?
Its simple. WWE knows who brings in money. They wish to appeal to the masses. But now with todays blurred lines its hard to tell who is misused and who is just being "buried." So in this article I am going to look at the superstars that I feel are under utilized and I will explain as to why I like them. You may agree and you may disagree. If you can think of any others stars do not hesitate to let me know at @LevellerLOW on twitter. 

First off lets look at the favourite misused stars.

Dolph Ziggler is the IWC's baby. He is golden in the eyes of the internet gods but not in those of the WWE bookers and management. It's often being said that Dolph is getting backstage heat for being out of character during interviews and has often stepped out of line when voicing his concerns over his on screen roles but should that mean he is held back? No of course not. But with that in mind even HHH had to pay the price for the Kliq incident in MSG.
Dolph has potential. He is great at selling and no one can deny it. If anything, he over sells at times. Dolph is a former WHC and a former US and Intercontinental champ so why doesn't he get more TV time? Its a shame but I could see bigger things for Dolph so long as he keeps his mouth shut behind the scenes. Let him have a proper feud and let it go on for a while. He could do with the spotlight and the story to help build him. 

"I've got some bad news." Wade is very misused but this gimmick is good believe it or not. He is getting TV time and he has personality. He can maybe mould the character to what he likes. Guys like The Rock, Batista, HHH and even Stone Cold all had a bad gimmick at some point in their careers but Barrett has been badly misused. He started so strong. He was the leader of the Nexus and then The Corre and then he had his fighter gimmick and now well... we all know what he has now.
Wade is a good talent in the ring and is damn good on the mic but the WWE can never seem to pull the trigger. He had some nice work with Orton. Their matches showed that he can be ruthless and can still put on a show. Eventually though WWE will have to put Bad News Barrett in the ring so it will be interesting to see what feud they give him. I personally would have him beat down Big E for the IC title and then challenge someone every week. 

Slaters gonna slate baybay! Heath Slater is one of the most under-rated talents on the roster. People cringe when they see him on screen, kids boo him and adults laugh when he is beat up. HE IS DOING HIS JOB PERFECTLY. He is a cocky heel character who is getting heat from the crowd. Seems to be doing his job. Heath Slater asked to work with the Legends on the build up to Raw 1000. Clever move. Yes he got beat up every week but he got TV time every week and he got to work with some big names. I'd also like to make you think for just a second, Heath Slater has more title wins than Ryback and yet Ryback gets the main event spots. I would love to see Heath Slater get a more serious role but in all honesty he doesn't need it.
I put Heath in this list because I feel that he is misused 50% of the time because if he was built up I believe he could be a really hateable heel in the upper midcard. Imagine a feud between Heath Slater and say an upper midcarder where Heath interferes in all the matches to annoy them just because he can. He would get so much heat and the crowd would instantly pull for the other guy.

Santino is one of my favorite guys on the roster. He is a fantastic worker. He can cut a promo. He can put on a great match. When Santino debuted I thought he could be a great heel. He has some phenomenal moments when he used to work with Beth Phoenix. He began to work as a comedy jobber and he was getting booed almost as loud as Vickie at one point but now where is he? He is working with Khali.....
During his one appearance in the Elimination Chamber match Santino got the biggest pop of he night. Santino had almost the whole crowd behind him. And what came of it? Nothing. WWE missed the ball. They just act like it never happened. (skip to 40.00 mins)

I believe that he could be shelved by someone (maybe Orton who would be doing it to show he is just as violent as ever or after he just loses a quick match) and then I would have eerie promos of a slow methodical sounding Santino talking about his anger and how Orton opened a door he had shut. Id have Santino come back and ruin Ortons rematch for the title and then they could have a programme with a more serious Santino who would have the crowd behind him. 

Lets be honest

If WWE didn't have these guys in these positions things could be more interesting but we would still find some reason to complain. And really at least these men are on TV unlike other talents such as Gabriel and Kidd. The WWE needs to have jobbers. They need to have people that are there to make the other guy look good. Not all the time but some of the time. Like when Ryback debuted they used random jobbers. They could have used Mahal, Tensai or even Miz.
And at least they weren't buried like guys such as Ryder, Otunga, Sandow and Matt Morgan during his stint in WWE.

Honorable mentions go to - Kidd, Gabriel, Brodus Clay, Alex Riley, The Miz, Khali. 

As always thanks for reading. If you have any topics, comments or suggestions you want me to hear then you can contact me at;

Twitter - @LevellerLOW

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