Saturday, 10 May 2014

Your Wife Or Your Title

Ok it's safe to say that most of us are pretty disappointed by WWE's booking of Daniel Bryan this week. For those of you who haven't seen RAW yet check out the video below;

It's clear that WWE is working towards Daniel Bryan vs Kane for a rematch at Payback. I have no problem with this. I have a problem with WWE booking Brie Bella to look more important to Daniel Bryan than the title he worked so hard to get. So i have a list of issues for you all to mull over now;

  • Daniel Bryan was just protecting his wife. AWWWW isnt that sweet. Well actually no it's not. It would be sweet if your wife wasn't meant to be a pro wrestler who takes a beating when she gets in the ring. Remember when Divas would get in the ring with male wrestlers and actually put up a fight? Brie Bella could easily have put up a fight as well and this would have booked her to look strong too.

  • Daniel Bryan beat Kane the previous night. Why run knowing that you can beat him again?
  • Brie Bella needs to get acting classes. 
  • Kane is being booked as a monster. Thats cool. I can roll with that. What I can't roll with is that there is still some idea that Stephanie is still controlling the monster. Kane at this point should be his own entity who can't be controlled.
  • By making Daniel Bryan run away it only devalues his character. I direct you back to Zack Ryder. He was over. Like silly over. Crowds chanting his name when he wasn't present over and then he got booked against Kane. They made him run and then look what happened. HE GOT A the stage. Since then Zack Ryder has fallen into obscurity. Do not let this happen to Daniel Bryan WWE. Mick Foley warned you and now I am warning you. 
  • If Daniel Bryan is meant to be booked as a strong champion then why is he running away. Would Austin have ran away? Would Rock have ran away? Hell did Cena run away? Then why make Bryan run? 
Now obviously WWE can say they have a plan in place but even if they do have a long term plan the champion should never be booked to run from a challenge. I understand the idea of fighting back and getting beaten down. That makes sense and makes the challenger look strong. But the champion running away only devalues the champ. Plus universally running away is a heel tactic. 

If WWE IS planning on having Kane vs Daniel Bryan in a buried alive match we all know that Kane will be the one to lose. He can go promote See No Evil 2 and return later in the year. But how do they make Kane look like a monster heel in the mean time? I say have him attack Brie during Bryans match. It should have been done this Monday in the car instead of having the awful B-movie scene that we got.
Plain and simple I would have had Brie stay in the locked car when Daniel Bryan had his match (that Stephanie made for him) and Kane could have set off the pyro and cut a promo on screen about how Brie is "far too hot in the car". Bryan would have ran to the back where we see Kane setting fire to the car with Brie inside. Bryan could have gone to save Brie and pulled her out before the blaze got too much. Once he had her safely out of the car he could have turned round to attack Kane and he would be gone.Next week Kane could kidnap her and the title and give Bryan the choice of what is more important to him. The one he doenst choose will be burned. Bryan has to choose between her or his title. Bryan chooses Brie and Stephanie McMahon vacates the title. (this gives time for a new looking title with the new logo on it to be brought in)

I honestly believe for this feud to get more personal they need to have Brie attacked in someway by Kane. While Kane is going after Bryan it's not really been established as to why he is doing it other than the fact Stephanie got him angry a few weeks back. Kane shouldnt be made to look like he is going for the title but he needs to have more of a reason for attacking Bryan than "cause Steph pissed him off." 

What do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment below or on twitter @levellerlow

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