Sunday, 25 May 2014

Getting WWE On The Level

We all have little issues that we would like to see changed in WWE and I feel that I rarely get a chance to say mine so this post will be telling you about what I would change in WWE. Now some of these are logical and some of them just preferences on my part but I think they would all help improve the product.

Make Stars Already

WWE is at a split in the road. They can either continue relying on the current stars such as Cena and Orton or they can create new faces and new heels. The fact is they NEED to develop these new stars so that the product can evolve. Guys like Bray and The Shield are on the way but right now the WWE needs to begin to build up the midcard stars that they already have. Give these midcard stars a shot at the main event. Now this next part is simple - IF THEY DON'T SUCCEED IN THE MAIN EVENT EITHER GET RID OF THEM OR PUT THEM BACK IN THE MIDCARD. Now I realise that not everyone can stay in the midcard and thats why I say fire some of them. Guys like Sandow, Kofi and Ziggler could easily be pushed to main event level. Try work with the roster you have before you add more names to it!

Fix Your Tag Division

This should not be that difficult WWE;
Step 1 - build viable teams
Step 2  - showcase teams and provide them with time on TV
Step 3 - create feuds and story lines we care about
Step 4 - let the teams have some mic time. 
Step 5 - change the title belts. 
The Usos are a great team. A great team can't succeed without great competition. Think Edge and Christia would have survived as a team without The Hardyz, The Dudleys and The APA to feud with? Think again. Get it sorted it WWE because tag team wrestling used to mean something and still can. Off the top of my head i can think of at least 4 teams that could work. 

Women Will Be Women

Now I know I'm not the only one with this gripe. Womens wrestling used to be great or at the very least a lot of us could watch it. These WOMEN are not DIVAS. These WOMEN are WRESTLERS. Remember when WOMEN wrestlers used to be able to fight male wrestlers? Chyna, first women IC champ and first woman to enter the Royal Rumble. Chyna looked like she could at least kick your ass. Can't really say that about Aksana can we? If a "diva" is gonna be in the ring  at least make sure she can wrestle. WWE I suggest you go watch TNA's Knockout division and get some ideas because they can actually wrestle and hold a story. And if it isn't too much trouble how about labelling these ladies as WOMEN wrestlers again. 
Leave Total Divas as a seperate reality  show where the ladies can discuss backstage issues and ring work. Do not make us watch matches that are based around an argument about a cat that happened on a scripted reality show. Moolah and Mae Young are turning in their graves. Don't spit on their legacies. 

Give me a creative story

Not every story has to happen as a good vs evil. Some stories can happen just because there is more than one person wanting a title. Yes I suggested something old school but if it ain't broken don't fix it. Remember when Rock and Austin were fighting for the titles? That was when guys used to fight for the sake of a belt and to prove they were the best. Now we seem to have fights cause one guy bitched about another on twitter......FIX IT.

Stop Booking For The Casual Fan

WWE books a lot of their content for the casual fan. There needs to be less of this. I have twitter followers who have watched WWE for nearly 30 years and I have followers who have watched for three weeks. Fans who just joined don't care about the matches. They just want to be entertained to begin with and thats fine but that doesn't mean that you can't develop the stories to feature content from older matches or previous storylines. E.G. When Kane and Bryan were fighting at Extreme Rules there was maybe one mention of how they used to be a team. That could have played a huge part in the story. But it didnt. Please fix this kind of thing as it really can cause your fans to think that you treat them like they are stupid. 

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