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On this blog we are doing things slightly differently. Once a month myself and @LoveLostGunfire will be providing you our predictions for the monthly PPV. This month its the time for revenge, time for retribution and time for Daniel Bryan to choose his wife or his title. ITS PAYBACK.
Rusev (and Lana's Legs) vs Big E (and his moobs)
LLG - I've said it before and I'll say it again: Big E isn't doing it for anyone right now. He's lost some of his shine. Not all of it, but some. I know, I know. Rusev isn't that much better anyway (I think I'm one of the few people who genuinely like that dude). I know Rusev isn't doing it for many people either, but he's clearly doing it for WWE. They are on this guy right now. Bottom Line: RUSEV, CRUSH!
L - Both these guys needed something to do and WWE finally realised it. While Big E is not my first choice of guys this could be a really impress match if they give it time. Lana is really what is keeping a lot of people interested in this feud but not for wrestling purposes. Want to keep me interested? Give me Rusev vs Swagger with Zeb and Lana cutting back and forth promos.This could give Swagger a much needed character tweak and an established opponent for Rusev. Put Big E in a tag team and let him help build the division by using his humour in promos.
Sheamus vs Cesaro
LLG - I have no bloody clue. I feel confused about this. It's too soon for Sheamus to lose it, I mean, unless WWE really wants to piss me off by making Dean lose it just to have Sheamus lose it right away. However, Cesaro is getting pushed hard. Hmmm... Perhaps they fudge a move and they both end up unconscious in the middle of the ring? They eat bad seafood prior to the match and both run out to the toilets? Or, more realistically, someone gets disqualified and since Sheamus can't lose on a DQ, he retains. Yes! That could work. Sheamus retains but Cesaro doesn't look weak. I'm sticking to that. Yep. Uh-huh...
L - Payback is when Sheamus turns heel but more of that later. In fact I will even go as far as saying we get a double turn. I think Sheamus wins this after a phenominal match. I'm not sure how but I think he wins. Cesaro is in a confusing situation in that people are still cheering for him and its clear that people want to cheer him but he is meant to be a heel. I think WWE will give Cesaro a face turn. Yes Paul Heyman is a heel but that doesn't mean he can't support a face for being talented. Pretty sure some other managers have done that.....
Wade "Bad News" Barrett vs RVD
LLG - Pfffft. Barrett takes the win, of course! I've got some bad news for you, Rob! It's no secret I am never excited to see RVD these days, but I feel like the difference in styles should make for an interesting match. This might actually be one of my favorite matches of the night #TeaTime
L - You think RVD gets the win? I'm afraid I've got some bad news! No but seriously why would RVD win this? It's for the title and there is no way that logically WWE puts the belt on RVD here. Barrett is getting some major attention even to the point that its said Vince really enjoys him and word has it he will be one of three to watch this year. Barrett will win this with either a huge Bull Hammer or a dirty pin. But after this they need to be looking to put Cesaro/Sheamus/Barrett in a programme together much like Angle/Benoit/Jericho towards WM16 for both titles.
Paige vs Alicia Fox
LLG - I am writing this as someone who hasn't seen Smackdown from May 23 and I haven't seen RAW from May 26; therefore, I think the last time I saw these two was when Fox actually managed to win the match. Did that happen? I can't remember. Either way, Paige is going to win when it matters, and it matters at Payback! Tear the stars out from the sky, bitches.
L - I like Paige but I said it the minute she won the title. "Once you reach the top there is only one way to go." I see the flavour of the month winning this. Alicia Fox. Alicia should win it and become a huge obstacle for Paige. This gives Paige the chance to develop her character and Alicia the chance to showcase what she can do. Should Paige win in order to make her run a bit more legit? Probably. Do I see it happening. No.
John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
LLG - Hasn't Cena lost this sort of thing before in the past? Whatever. Either way, I think Bray should win this, and I hope to the gods it's a clean win. Like I said for Extreme Rules, I am a bit foggy as to where this rivalry is now going; it started out strong and it was an interesting concept, but it's time to draw some semblance of a conclusive thought. Bray FTW #FollowTheBuzzards #GodsHelpMeIfCenaWinsThis
L - This feud is at its peak. Please stop it before people get bored. Bray Wyatt needs this win. It's not a clean win with a pin but he needs at least one win over Cena. The rub on it's on is not enough (minds out of the gutter). Bray Wyatt should win this and send Cena into a few months of doubting himself. Cena shouldn't beat Wyatt until some point near Royal Rumble or until they can actually establish one of these two guys as a major heel. I would love to say that Wyatt gets the win after a big moment. Imagine if you will, at some point during the match Bray gets busted open, Bray and Cena fight up to the entrance where Wyatt runs at Cena and puts him through the set. Neither guy moves and the ref gets to the count of 8 before we see Bray emerge from the wreck with his face masked in blood as he laughs. The ref gets to 10 and Bray laughs and Harper and Rowan drag Cena's body from the wreck. Bray looks at Cena and denounces he has the whole world in his hands before laughing and giving a sly grin.
Evolution vs The Shield

LLG - If this isn't the main event, I'm drinking bleach. I know most people think Evolution will win, and I think we all know I'm a Shield girl. It's not surprising I actually think The Shield will win, but hear me out, okay? We're not sure when Batista will run along to Hollywood and Ambrose just lost his US title; it's easy to say The Shield will lose because they won at Extreme Rules and they've been one-upping Evolution at RAW shows - I get it. But doesn't it make more sense if Evolution loses again? What if they lose and Randy Orton trips balls and accuses Batista of costing HIM the loss? Maybe Trips defends Batista. Maybe not. Or maybe the loss has nothing to do with Hollywood and the need to create separation. Maybe Evolution losing will have everything to do with one man needing to shine...Ambrose. Everyone usually jizzes themselves over Roman Reigns, but I'm an Ambrose girl through and through (not just because he's sexy as fawwwk). He's well-rounded and talented on all levels. Simply put: he's the best of both worlds. Think about it. Usually someone is good in the ring, bad on the mic or vice versa. Not with Ambrose. Maybe it's time to have HIM save the damn day, instead of yet another spear or Superman punch. He's the Lunatic Fringe! What better way to defeat evil egomaniacs than to out-wit them with sheer lunacy? You don't put a lunatic in a no-holds-barred match and expect to NOT get destroyed. Besides, it's called Payback. The Shield has been targeted night after night and they've primarily played a solid game of defense against Evolution. Ambrose losing his US title thanks to evil Evolution shenanigans calls for a fiery response from The Shield. #BelieveInTheGoddamnLunaticFringe
L - While my friend here marks out for Ambrose and The Shield I'm saying Evolution win. Evolution are winning this match and it's not going to be clean. I sense interference from someone. Who you say? Either Sheamus or Ambrose turning sides. Sheamus has been rumoured for a heel turn for a while and it's also been said that he was considered for a fourth member for Evolution. If the match comes down to HHH or Orton vs 2 members of Shield I can see Sheamus getting involved. They could even involve the fact that they knew Sheamus would beat Ambrose and they knew he could take the belt to the "winning" side. Now while this is the more likely situation can you imagine if Ambrose pulls a Nash? If this match comes down to Ambrose on his own against Evolution then you can damn well bet that he turns. Evolution go to attack him and then HHH smiles. Ambrose smiles back and then they laugh and pose as the show ends. Ambrose evolves. This leads to Rollins feuding with Ambrose, Batista goes back to hollywood, Orton gets put into the title picture and Reigns feuds with HHH. Not a high possibility but a possibility none the less.
Pre-Show: Hornswoggle vs El Torito
BOTH - WWE are stupid sometimes but they aren't dumb enough to get involved with WWF again. There is no way they tear off a bulls face. Swoggle gets a haircut. Nuff said.
Well there you have it. What do you think? Leave a comment below or get us on twitter;
LLG - @LoveLostGunfire
L - @LevellerLOW