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On this blog we are doing things slightly differently. Once a month myself and @LoveLostGunfire will be providing you our predictions for the monthly PPV. This month its the elimination chamber. In the words of the late, great Heath Ledger, "Here....We....Go"
The Kick Off - The Rhodes Dynasty vs Rybaxel

LLG - " Rhodes Brothers vs Rybaxel: Rhodes, because they are more important right now. Doesn't make much sense to have Rybaxel win...Self-explanatory, unfortunately"
L - "Yeah I have to say I agree. Unless they are actually planning on having Cody vs Goldust at Mania then the win goes to them. Seems a pointless match really. If they wanted good views they should have had the last chamber space up for grabs in a pre-show battle royal."
The Undercard
Darren Young vs Titus O'NeilLLG - "Darren Young vs Titus O'Neil: Titus O'Neil, because he had his damn pants torn off. It seems like timing would be good, and it would be more ammo for Titus and his barking, if Darren could fail when it matters most. Also, because Titus has been one-upped recently, so he's kind of due for a win (at EC)"
L - "Im torn on this. I think Titus gets the win because we have seen him lose out on the little things recently. They could have Young win for the obvious "babyface gets the better of the jack ass partner" tale but Im pretty sure they wont."
The New Age Outlaws vs The Usos for the Tag Team Titles

LLG - "Usos, because they'll need to win Tag Team gold (errr...bronze) in order for, you guessed it, Rhodes Brothers to win it back. That's my thought, anyway, because I'm sure Rhodes will win over Rybaxel, and using that "high", they'll challenge Usos once Usos win the Tag Team belts. New Age Outlaws SHOULD NOT be allowed to have a long title reign, it just wouldn't be good for the other talent, like, what does that even say?"
L - "Im gonna disagree and say The Outlaws win in most likely a questionable fashion. The Usos have it all. They have the look, the speed, the moves and charisma but they haven't unlocked the full potential yet. I think that The Outlaws win and we end up with a 4 way tag title match at Mania with The Usos or The Rhodes Dynasty winning. The Usos deserve it but I dont think the WWE will pull the trigger just yet."
Big E vs Jack Swagger for the IC title
LLG - "Big E SHOULD retain in order to keep himself rising higher, and higher. I don't see how it would make sense to have Swagger win it, though there's nothing stopping Swagger from putting up one heck of a fight and looking good. He can look strong, despite losing, and Big E can retain. Win/win!"
L - "Id love Big E to retain. It adds to the title. It adds to Big E. I think Swagger puts up a huge fight and Zeb eventually costs Swagger. Id love to see Swagger win and then he can make fun of Cesaro on Raw saying that he won his match etc. This could lead to a split and face turn for Cesaro. They could go one on one at Mania for the title."
Batista vs Del Rio
LLG - "....Shut up. Obviously Batista will win because he needs "building" right now, considering his return was a massive fail of epic proportions. UGH."
L - "yeh Im not answering this. We all know the winner. Del Rio is cannon fodder. They could have made it interesting and made it a Last Man Standing match or even a No DQ but nope. If you think Batista loses his first one on one fight since his return you need to go and talk to Russo about booking"
The Shield vs The Wyatts
LLG - "The Wyatt Family literally needs to win this one so that Bray can come out looking even stronger. Right now, as much as I "hate" to say it, it's about Bray. So, what will most likely happen is Ambrose will try to screw with Roman, or they'll have another one of their now famous "communication" problems. If they argue, or if Dean tries something, Seth will be there to try and keep "Mommy and Daddy" together like the sad little kid in the middle that he is. Someone, most likely Seth (though, it might be Ambrose) will end up getting Sister Abigail-ed..and yeah. Bray wins it for the Wyatts and walks away looking awesome. Only reason it "pains" me to say this is because I am not exactly looking forward to the Shield split :("
L - "I have to say again I agree. Though I think Bray will obviously get the pin I think he will pin Reigns. I have a feeling we could see Ambrose and Rollins walk out on Reigns leaving him on his own. Reigns will take out Harper and Rowan so that he is booked to look strong and over come the force but in the end Bray will catch him off guard and finish with Sister Abigail. Could you imagine if Reigns goes for a spear only to be caught by Sister Abigail?"
The main event - The elimination chamber for the WWEWHC
LLG - "Orton will win. Don't doubt this, I mean, they've had him looking weak and pansy-ass for a few weeks now, so it's a given that the night of the Chamber match, he'll find a way to win. It won't be a "solid" win or "clean", so I'm warning you now. It'll probably be another "he didn't even do anything" kind of win. But, yeah. He'll win it because that's what WWE is vying for these days; though, don't feel too bad about it. I don't see Bryan looking bad, despite his "injury"."
L - "Orton or Bryan win. No arguing on that. I could see the final three coming down to Bryan, Cesaro and Orton. Cesaro has been pushed strong and hard these last three weeks. If they plan on making him look strong and want him to leave a mark do it now. I feel Bryan will probably be cost the win by an Kane. Cena will be distracted by The Wyatts in some way or other. Christian (if he is still in the match) will be the first to be eliminated.
So there we have it. What do you think and who do you predict will win each match? Let us know your thoughts on twitter at - @LoveLostGunfire and @LevellerLOW
Thanks for reading
Great post!
ReplyDeleteHere are my post-PPV thoughts, in order of your card here:
1. A bit of a non-match. Nice to see Axel's Grandpappy, but otherwise pretty run-of-the-mill.
2. Spot on prediction. A well-played match, but the crowd wasn't into it at all. Found the Lesnar chants funny. While unnecessary, it'd been cool to see the Beast Incarnate run out and pummel both of them (UH OH, RACIAL UNDERTONE ALERT).
3. Big E's escape from both Patriot Locks were great, especially the final kick. Also, that spear through the ropes! Good win. ("WE THE PEOPLE": MORE RACIAL UNDERTONE ALERT)
4. Either WWE Creative did this on purpose, or Batista's return has seriously backfired. Basically it was a question of 'who do we hate the most'. Loved the tactical mute when the camera was right next to Batista - I assume someone swore pretty loudly, not sure if it was him.
5. Definitely match of the night, though that was expected to be honest. For the first time in a while I've been properly impressed by Rollins. He's the only one left in The Shield using a tactical approach in his fighting. Loved the acrobatics. And Leveller, you were almost exactly right with the Spear-turned-Sister Abigail! Will be interesting to see what happens with Ambrose seeing as he seemingly fled..?
6. I feel that it was a good idea to have all six of them in action, because they all have fair enough reasons to be there. The elimination order was just as I was expecting - Sheamus, Christian, Cesaro. I fully expected the last two to be Orton and Cena, because Cena. A pleasant surprise then to have Bryan there instead. I was anticipating the screw-over by Kane any moment, what I didn't expect was the Wyatts to appear!. Great way to bring Kane out. The screw-over itself was nicely done too, making everyone think Bryan might actually win. While I'm not digging Orton's current developments, his championship storyline obviously wasn't finished, so his win was never in any doubt.
Personal highlight: that Brogue through the pod into Orton. Marked out SO HARD.
Oh, and the Divas match. Interesting twist, Aj Lee is going to break sooner or later.
The two things I'd like to see now:
1. While you may argue that Ambrose was KO'd off camera, I was expecting him to come back. This will no doubt cause more friction between him and Reigns. Good luck Rollins trying to keep that down.
2. This won't happen, but the Wyatts' assault on Cena in the EC leaves a brilliant opening to my fantasy that the Family will break Cena. I'd love for them to make him turn heel. (Note: NOT a Wyatt member, just an abandonment of his face-of-WWE-ness).
And after that, break Orton, who seemingly wants to be the next Cena. If Bray could exploit the 'Voices'...
Overall, an improvement to the Royal Rumble. WWE have got themselves into a bad situation though: Mania's main event is now the unpopular Batista against the almost dull Orton. There's still time to fix things, but I'm looking at Mania with less excitement and more concern that it won't be the legendary PPV it needs to be.