Friday 20 March 2015

So You're A REAL Wrestling Fan?

Wrestling is much like any form of entertainment but there is a certain stigma when it comes to the idea of discussing what it is to be a true wrestling fan. The aim of this article is to correct those who judge others for not being a "real wrestling" fan. Hopefully with a little bit of investigation we can get to the root of the situation and define what a wrestling fan is. 

In order to understand the term "Real Wrestling Fan" we must first look at the definitions of the words individually. The Oxford English dictionary describes "REAL" as the following;

"Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed"

Now if this definition is not real enough (pun intended) for you then we can site another source. defines "REAL" as;

"Being or occurring in fact or actuality" 

If these sources are to be believed then we can safely assume anyone with the ability to show interest in wrestling or having a conversation about "real wrestling fans" is in fact real. There is no denying that. Now this leads us to the definition of fan

"A person who shows a strong interest in or admiration for a particular thing or person"

In it's purest form - those who enjoy something. 

Now as someone who often contributes to conversations on social media and someone who witnesses people everyday being branded as "fake" fans I find it hard to believe that it is actually possible to label someone as anything other than a "real" anything. I mean surely the only thing that can denounce any person as anything but real would be a higher power (if there is such a thing). The ideology of someone or something denouncing someone or something as "fake" suggests the individual would feel they are above the subject at hand. Let us be clear. THIS IS NEVER THE CASE. Regardless of whatever topic or subject is being discussed it will always be above those discussing it because without the original topic there is no dispute or case of discussion and this shows an improper lack of respect.

This is one of the main reasons the IWC is a difficult thing to be involved with. The lack of respect of some individuals within the community is actually much lower than that of the level they receive. If the community was equal however there would very rarely be deemed as exciting or full of life. This however does not mean there can't be mutual respect and understanding when it comes to the idea that fans are all alike. Some fans know little and have only just joined the product, some fans have watched for years but know very little. It's a simple solution. Be fair to each other and don't judge because someone may know less about something than you. Instead of judging try bringing up a way where they could learn from something you know and vise versa. 

What  do you think? Is it possible? Are there such things out there as "REAL WRESTLING FANS"? Let us know by sending in a response on our new android app  Or by leaving a comment below. 

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