Monday, 28 July 2014

So You're A Wrestling Fan?

If you are a wrestling fan you need to stop laughing about the fact TNA may have to close its doors. Now please believe me when I say I am not the worlds biggest impact fan. Impact much like any other wrestling company has had it's fair shares of ups and downs. In fact most of us acknowledge TNA for what it is. The second best wrestling show in America but that doesn't mean its funny if it has to close down.

I woke up at 5.33am to a barrage of questions in my twitter DMs asking what I thought about the TNA situation. For those of you who don't know,
TNA is allegedly being dropped by SPIKE TV due to the fact they are working with Vince Russo again. SPIKE TV and Russo have history and this is apparently one of the many things that broke the camels back. But a long with the barrage of questions I received I was also seeing "wrestling" fans happy that TNA may have to shut down. Let me clear this up. 


To think that TNA shutting down is a good thing is idiotic. For a start there are over 50 roster members, countless production staff, management and host who could lose their jobs. Now why would that be a good thing? I mean realistically WWE will not pick up the talent lost from TNA unless they feel they have use. In my eyes I see only Angle and Hardy being picked up. This leaves at least 48 other members without safe jobs. If you are a wrestling fan you should support wrestling in any form. WWE, TNA, ECW, WCW, ICW, PBW, CZW, BJW, NJPW, PWG and a whole bunch more. If you think that TNA shutting down is a good thing you should damn well stop calling yourself a wrestling fan. The people who say "well TNA was s*** anyway" have no idea what they are talking about. People have said that TNA would shut down from day one. 

Wrestling is great because its an art form. Art is a personal subject to everyone as we all portray artistic achievements differently. Some people love Picasso and some people hate it. This idea can be transferred to wrestling. Some people love TNA and some people hate it. But even if you hate Picasso (or TNA in this case) you should make a conscious effort to try and understand why others like it or dislike it. You are free to like and dislike what you choose but you are also free to not be ignorant to other peoples decisions and feelings.
One example I can give personally is that I dont like ROH's story telling. I think every match is very similar and there is never any definition. However I understand that people like to watch ROH because there are a lot of talented workers that go there. 

So why do people hate on TNA? Is it the lack of depth in roster? The lack of talent? The fact that everyone believes TNA steal storylines from WWE? I personally think TNA became cool to hate in much the same way people think its cool to hate bands like Nickelback and Coldplay. TNA provides a great alternative and has really proved recently during their NYC taping that they can put on a great show. SO WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO SEE IT FAIL? This will not be another WCW style take over where WWE swoop in and snatch up all your favourite talent and showcase them on the stage of the immortals. WWE have already said they have zero interest in 90% of the TNA roster so why would that suddenly change? 

If TNA closes you can expect to see all the names like Aries, Roode, Storm and Anderson on the indies scene again very soon so all you lovely indy darlings who hate on TNA so much can so them in your local shows and praise them like they are the second coming of jesus's left testicle. Just think on that and remember you aren't a wrestling fan if you only support one company. You are a company fan. Much like in baseball. You can't be a baseball fan if you only support the Yankees. You are a Yankees. 

So what do you think? Let us know on twitter and make sure and catch our RAW-Preshow LIVE ON YOUTUBE. @LevellerLOW

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