Friday, 7 March 2014


I have been very quiet over the last few weeks in regard to the whole CM Punk situation. I have avoided saying too much on twitter about it and I have pretty much avoided it in my blogs. But I feel now is the time to talk. I feel we have enough information now to establish some serious points. Please bare in mind this article is opinion.

CM Punk has stuck to his guns. Good on him. He did what he said he would do. "Im going home." Great for him. I support a man who has the balls to do as he pleases and not conform to the man, however, I dont support the way in which he did it and I didnt support the way Austin did it. CM Punk, and don't take this lightly, walked away from not just the wwe but the fans too. There was no storyline write off, there was no continuity to the disappearance of Punk after the rumble and sure as hell there was no mention of him until Chicago. Now while I respect the man and the work he did YOU DONT JUST LEAVE PAYING CUSTOMERS HIGH AND DRY.

Would a singer leave the stage mid song if he felt that he wasn't getting a big crowd? Hell no he wouldnt because if he did he would never get another gig because word travels as a promoter. CM Punk walked out of work and his friends claim he has enough to survive without working ever again. Good for Punk. But if Punk ever expects to be trusted within a contractual situation again he is gonna have to prove it. 

Another thing to note is that Vince Mcmahon has put in too much time and money to just let Punk go and this is one of the reasons that Punk wasnt buried on television. Its clear that Vince still believes that Punk will come back even if the rest of the locker room doesnt. Most of the locker room believe that Punk is done with wrestling or at least WWE in the most part. But lets be honest Vince McMahon is the only person rich enough who could pull off a scheme like this and make it into a believable storyline if needs be. Maybe Punk returns at Mania but much like good ol' JR I think that ship has sailed. 

Punk was never my favourite guy but I sure as heck appreciate his in ring work and his attitude in the ring but when he walked I lost all respect for him. I understand how hard it can be to stay in a job that gives you no satisfaction. I have been there so I see why he walked. I understand as to what he was going through but in my head those reasons do not counter weigh the fans and the time put into you as a star. Yes Punk did the work as well but its very clear at the moment

Lets be honest though, Punk literally went home. Punk literally walked away. Punk literally did what any five year old who couldnt get his way did. He had a tantrum. It was said Punk was unhappy with creative decisions for him to face HHH at wrestlemania. Punk believed that this was not a star studded match and that he deserved better. Let that sink in. Punk believed he deserved better. A match with HHH at wrestlemania is a huge match for 90% of the roster. HHH is a veteran for god sake and a big focal point on TV so most guys would be over the moon that they got this chance. But not Punk. He felt he deserved more. Now Punk has been the first to say he doesn't really stroke his own ego but to me that feels like exactly what he did. 

So lets face the facts here. Punk is not coming back anytime soon. There would be no point not until after Wrestlemania anyway. For the time being the "Best in the world" will just have to be "The Best in the world at staying home". Punk threw a tantrum and didnt get his way. It has backfired and work or not we just have to accept it and move on. So stop chanting WE WANT PUNK and start chanting for the guys who are there. The guys who work. The guys who put in their effort every night. Dont forget about the Cenas, the Bryans, The wyatts, The Shield and the Usos because they are the ones working through the stuff he left. The fact is the voice of the voiceless has gone mute so just move on and watch the product for what its worth.

*drops mic and exits the ring bitch*

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  1. That was VERY well written, and I agree whole heartedly with every word. I hope it gets seen by the powers that be and they can see that not everyone is crying over Punk's departure. Some people understand! Here,here.

    1. Thank you very much. Im glad to see that people are paying attention to these. Please join me on twitter and facebook and I can keep you up to date with the posts :)
