Total Non-Stop Invasion
I have been asked for another fantasy booking and this time its the age old classic - the invasion angle. Since the WWE/WCW/ECW storyline back in 2000's people have been hunting for that perfect invasion story. In this instance I will be using the wrestlers of the current rosters of Impact Wrestling and WWE. We will look at how Impact would lead an invasion on WWE and try to prove they can "hang with the big dogs."
Please bare in mind this is all made up and just fantasy booking. This is my opinion and thoughts. I'm interested in hearing yours so let me hear how you would book it. The following sections will include how I believe the invasion would come about. I'm not booking the entire invasion as I believe it would take forever to perfect.

On the current WWE roster there are 2 men in high power positions who have worked for TNA before, Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn. These men during their time in TNA both showed dislike for their previous employers as The Voodoo-Kin Mafia by showing impersonations of Vince and HHH and even challenging them to an open fight. But now that these two "Benedict Arnolds" have jumped back to their original "home" could it all have just been a plan to get back at Vince and HHH?
Road Dogg is currently working as an agent and producer for WWE and Billy Gunn is working as the head trainer in WWE's training facility and NXT. With these powerful positions both men slowly work their way into the pockets of old friend HHH who begins to let them have trust in who they hire and work with. With The Outlaws promising potential in everyone who is hire HHH lets them control all hiring of ring performers.
Road Dogg is currently working as an agent and producer for WWE and Billy Gunn is working as the head trainer in WWE's training facility and NXT. With these powerful positions both men slowly work their way into the pockets of old friend HHH who begins to let them have trust in who they hire and work with. With The Outlaws promising potential in everyone who is hire HHH lets them control all hiring of ring performers.
With the night after Wrestlemania almost becoming a one night show in itself I believe this is where the story would begin.
Raw after Mania and we hear that its a new era and a new time on the WWE landscape and that its time to expect change, its time to expect new talent to shine. With WWE's new take on realism HHH comes out and cuts a promo on how things are going to be shaken up and he has the right men for the job. Out come The Outlaws to a huge pop and they explain that they have been hired for some time now and that things will certainly be shaken up with them cutting the challenges to enter the WWE locker room.
Over the next few weeks things continue as normal, Road Dogg comes out on the go home show before Extreme rules announcing that he and Billy Gunn will be setting a challenge for one new superstar to face none other than Christian in a TLC match for a contract. All they have to do is get up there before Christian does and the job is theirs.
At the PPV Cole and King hype the match as a massive opportunity for the young superstar who is yet to be announced. Christian makes his way to the ring and gets a nice welcome back with the "You Still Got It" chants. The music hits and out sprints Samoa Joe. Christian stands smiling happy to see an old friend get an opportunity at the big time again Joe gets in the ring and hugs Christian. Out of nowhere Joe sets in the sleeper hold and takes Christian out. Joe climbs the ladder and takes the contract. As promised HHH comes out and shakes his hand and signs the contract.
Over the next few weeks things continue as normal, Road Dogg comes out on the go home show before Extreme rules announcing that he and Billy Gunn will be setting a challenge for one new superstar to face none other than Christian in a TLC match for a contract. All they have to do is get up there before Christian does and the job is theirs.
At the PPV Cole and King hype the match as a massive opportunity for the young superstar who is yet to be announced. Christian makes his way to the ring and gets a nice welcome back with the "You Still Got It" chants. The music hits and out sprints Samoa Joe. Christian stands smiling happy to see an old friend get an opportunity at the big time again Joe gets in the ring and hugs Christian. Out of nowhere Joe sets in the sleeper hold and takes Christian out. Joe climbs the ladder and takes the contract. As promised HHH comes out and shakes his hand and signs the contract.
Next night on RAW, in the second hour, Christian comes out and brings Joe down to the ring and says its good to have a friend and a brother back. Joe thanks him and explains how hard it was to be under the thumb of a Carter and thanks Vince and the fans for the chance to work for the company. Christian asks Joe for "One More Match" for old time sakes. Joe stands for a moment or two and he looks at Christian. Christian says, "It would be like fighting a brother. It would be a phenomenal match."
Joe replies,
"Joe already has a brother, Joe already has a family." Christian looks at him confused and Joe floors him and begins to stomp him. King and Cole are complaining on commentary when all of a sudden they are cut off and the camera shows two more men attacking the commentary team.
Both Road Dogg and Billy Gunn run to the ring to the ring. The push Joe off Christian and then they push the two others in to the ring. They go at it and Joe gets into it helping the two men take on the Outlaws. They irish whip The Outlaws and bend down to set up a back drop but as The Outlaws rebound off the ropes they just stop. The two men and Joe stand up and stare into the faces off The Outlaws and the camera pans to Road Dogg who is seen laughing and smiling. All the men in the ring begin hugging and embracing each other laughing and celebrating. The Outlaws stand raising the hands of the three men. Joe stands proud and the two others drop their hoods. We see Kazarian and Christopher Daniels.
Both Road Dogg and Billy Gunn run to the ring to the ring. The push Joe off Christian and then they push the two others in to the ring. They go at it and Joe gets into it helping the two men take on the Outlaws. They irish whip The Outlaws and bend down to set up a back drop but as The Outlaws rebound off the ropes they just stop. The two men and Joe stand up and stare into the faces off The Outlaws and the camera pans to Road Dogg who is seen laughing and smiling. All the men in the ring begin hugging and embracing each other laughing and celebrating. The Outlaws stand raising the hands of the three men. Joe stands proud and the two others drop their hoods. We see Kazarian and Christopher Daniels.
Christian stands up and explains how he let Joe win last night and that it felt great for Christian Cage to be back.
Road Dogg goes to cut a promo on the events they have just seen but is cut off by HHH who stands at the top of the ramp screaming that they are fired and they should get out before security arrives. HHH is furious that his "friends" would do this to the company.
HHH says, "get out of my company, get off of my show, get out of my life and get out of the WWE universe"
Road Dogg goes to cut a promo on the events they have just seen but is cut off by HHH who stands at the top of the ramp screaming that they are fired and they should get out before security arrives. HHH is furious that his "friends" would do this to the company.
HHH says, "get out of my company, get off of my show, get out of my life and get out of the WWE universe"
"This aint no WWE universe anymore. This is the impact zone BITCH. They told you change would happen. Well"
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