Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Where The Grapefruits Turn Sour

WWE have backed themselves into a corner again. Much like last year they have caved into what the smark heavy crowds of todays product want. It's becoming common knowledge now that there was plans in the work for Bryan vs Sheamus 3. This, by the way, could have easily been the top match of Wrestlemania this year but the fans as per their usual followed their spoiled brat tendencies and had to moan. This has lead to what I believe will be Vince McMahon's final year in full control of the WWE product. I realize this sounds like a very bold, sweeping statement but let's look at the facts shall we?

Vince McMahon is getting old

As a man who has taken years upon years of self inflicted stress, wrestling injuries and of course a double quad tear it's fair to say that Vince is a tough S.O.B but he is getting old. Vince turns 70 this year and to be honest he looks damn good for it all things considered. On the outside he still looks charismatic and charming at times but on the inside can we really say the same? It's no joke when you consider how much Vince does at his age but it can't be good for him. We have seen Jerry Lawler have a heart attack on live television and his current job listing is much lighter than a man who is a self proclaimed workaholic and control freak. How long can Vince seriously run the show?

Vince McMahon doesn't know his own product anymore

Over the past few weeks it has become abundantly clear that Vince is losing touch with the current trends and the current way the wrestling product should run. Now please forgive me for saying this but honestly we know less than a fraction about wrestling compared to Vince but that doesn't excuse the fact his pop-culture knowledge is atrocious. When was the last time a fart joke was funny? When was the last time making your own daughter (heiress to your machine) throw up on TV was good publicity? When was the last time adding "suffering suchertache" to a promo a good idea? You all know fine well he wrote those promos. But when you add this to the fact that Vince has slowly began to change his own mind on the product its quite clear he doesn't understand his own fans anymore. WWE used to be about giving fans what they want and knowing what they would want before they did but now it's about trying to slip the guy who you feel will benefit the company most into the limelight regardless as to whether it's who the fans want to see. Vince doesn't get it

Vince McMahon sees NXT as competition

It's clear that Vince still sees WWE as the top of the mountain but he is scared by those who have the power to climb to the top without him. NXT is a HHH product and that became clear as of this past Monday when HHH and Austin spoke on the network. The WWE provides a "sports entertainment product" and this is something they constantly re-enforce by ensuring they don't use the word "wrestling". Wrestling, however, is what NXT does best and fans know it. So many groups of fans are turning to the darkside so to say and enjoying a product that is primarily wrestling. This is clearly an intimidating thing for Vince. He is in competition with his own company and if a younger fresher model manages to work then surely the shareholders will notice this. The interesting thing will be to see if NXT gets a Wrestlemania match this year especially since the network has gave it such a large following.  

Vince lost his grapefruits

There was a time when Vinnie was the ballsiest person known to television but now he has began letting the great grapefruits of old shrivel up into prunes. Vinnie was literally the higher power, he was the guy who attacked his workers, he was the boss from hell. Basically Vince McMahon was god. But now he is afraid of fan reaction. He caved into the "YES movement" and changed a whoel wrestlemania main event just to change the crowd reaction. Vince McMahon of 99 wouldn't have done that. So what changed?

Also what else does Vince McMahon have left to prove? Absolutely nothing. He has done it, seen it and lived it all. He has reached the golden gates but now he just needs to let go to receive the keys to enter. Vince McMahon will always be "Then. Now. Forever." the greatest mind in professional wrestling in the eyes of historians but he needs to leave before we see that fade.

So what do you think? Let us know on twitter at @LevellerLOW or leave a comment below

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