Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Guest Blogger - #ItHappened What Now?

As part of our "re-branding" process we are creating monthly features that will join our regular articles. The first of which is "Guest Blogger" where we are inviting a guest article write to join us once a month and this time our guest comes in the form of the ever lovely Krysta Ibach. 

"Alas I did not get to see it on the Spike TV airing originally as my dad’s birthday fell on the same night; and his birthday took priority over TNA but still through modern technology I still got to see it; so I am still going to talk about it...
Bully Ray finally got to pull the trigger on a long running story line; surrounded by the TNA locker room; he put Dixie Carter through a table…well technically; his ass went through the table and Dixie just hit the mat. She was legitimately injured; even she acknowledged that she had been injured in her interview with Ring Rust Radio (www.ringrustradio.com). Dixie Carter gets mad respect for taking that bump; it was one hell of a hit and she took it like a champ. I have no doubt that when this spot was laid out; it was pretty straight forward; and let’s face it; how often has Bully Ray done a move like that? However, at the height he was at; and the move required her to be in front of his face; it’s very easy to misjudge distance, and their luck came up short.

A few people are no doubt squeamish that this was a very large man against a very small woman. I am sure a few are arguing about this condoning violence against women (I myself DO NOT condone violence against women; children or men – because that happens too); yet in the same interview Carter has mentioned that it’s the opposite. I don’t think that Carter or TNA will ever do a spot like this again; just because of the image it presents. The spot was to serve a purpose and it did exactly that.

Had this spot ended with Dixie being devastatingly injured; I doubt TNA would have even put the spot in; it would have created the wrong kind of publicity.
So where does TNA go from here?

TNA has had its ups and downs; and in the era when Vince & Co have had a choke hold on the industry; it’s struggled to find its footing; yet with this story line of what is essentially a Boss Toss – you can’t tell me you don’t secretly wish Stephanie McMahon would go through a table…even if it’s at the hands of the Bella Twins…or even your own boss if you have one that is a nightmare…don’t shake your head; I know you have entertained the idea at least once – add in the return to the 6 sided ring; it actually makes people want to see what TNA will do next.
Judging from the crowd’s reaction at the tapings; and the IWC on social media; from this One Spot on the Card; I would say that TNA could potentially write its own ticket at this point. Will Spike TV change its collective mind and renew the promotion‘s contract? Or will Carter and Co head for greener pastures than the channel that seems to have COPS on a loop (Bad Boys, Bad Boys…Wha…right can’t say more than that otherwise I could be violating a copyright somewhere.) More importantly will Carter and Co keep on this path; pulling out the stops when it comes to in ring and story lines?

There is only one thing left to do…
Keep watching…and see where Carter and Co go from here."  

Well there you have it. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or get in touch on twitter at @LevellerLOW and @krysta_ibach

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